Thursday, January 28, 2010

Life Drawing- Savannah

This week was another opportunity to draw from the human figure. Always a challenge and a humbling experience. After many short poses (30 seconds to 2 minutes) we went on to a longer pose. This will take awhile to get comfortable with watercolors on an almost vertical surface; let alone the drawing aspect.

I found the gesture drawing (what we are learning currently) is different than contour or blind contour drawing as with gesture drawing the lines need to be fluid, continuous and capture the gesture or movement of the mode. My first attempt (attached) at drawing Savannah is somewhat clumsy. I did feel some relief in adding some color. However, my pride turned to dismay when I added a second wash (because I felt to good about that FIRST wash) and the colors became garish. Wow! Yuck! Why did she turn cadmium yellow and quinacridone red?!?

Well, when I got home I found Adobe Photoshop saved me a bit with some of their texture programs overlaid on this study. OK, humbly I submit this posting as I said previously I would submit these.

BTW, the painting of poor Savannah got taken to the sink and looks a bit better now that I have scrubbed out most of her color with lots of water and a sponge.

Until next time.....Happy painting!

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